Best Foods for Prevention Of Heart Attack And Cleansing Your Arteries 99%!! Start Eating Them Today!!

There are numerous elements that may growth the chance of a coronary heart attack consisting of loss of movement, stress, and dangerous eating regimen. But, a few simple changes to your weight loss program will let you to guard yourself, and reduce the danger of heart disease.

So, we present you a few beverages and meals which let you to hold your arteries free of blockage:

1. Salmon
Salmon is considered as the most beneficial meals in your coronary heart health. It includes many wholesome fatty acids which can be evidently present within the fish. they’ve the ability to lessen and prevent ldl cholesterol, infection and triglyceride ranges.
Tuna, mackerel, and herring are a few other wholesome fish which you want to encompass in your food regimen. Ensure always to buy natural fish.

2. Orange juice
Natural orange juice has many antioxidants that could support healthful blood vessels. Moreover, it can help you to lessen high blood strain.

By using ingesting 2 glasses of sparkling orange juice on a each day foundation, you’ll get the endorsed daily dosage of vitamin C, for this reason supplying your body with nutrients and minerals as a way to have a effective effect for your health.

3. Coffee
Many research proved that consuming 2-4 cups of coffee an afternoon will reduce the hazard of coronary heart attack by using 20%. However, you have to be aware of the truth that the immoderate consumption of espresso may be dangerous to your stomach.

4. Nuts
They include many healthful fat along with omega-three fatty acids and unsaturated fat. They’re extraordinarily powerful to your cholesterol levels, and that they have the capacity to enhance your memory and joints. One handful of almonds and walnuts a day and you will see its benefits!

5. Persimmon fruit
It has a rich content of fiber and wholesome sterols that can lessen the levels of cholesterol. Its candy flavor is the purpose why they’re known as “divine end result”. you could upload this fruit on your salads or cereal.

6. Turmeric
Curcumin, the active compound in turmeric can offer several blessings. It will assist you to lessen tissue inflammation and prevent overactive fat garage. you may use turmeric as addition to exclusive food, or consume it as a tea.

7. Green tea
It has powerful calming and energizing houses. That is because green tea consists of catechin, a powerful antioxidant which can assist the metabolism and reduce the absorption of ldl cholesterol. So one can get its maximum benefits, make certain to drink 1-2 cups of green tea an afternoon.

8. Cheese
The moderate intake of cheese let you to lessen the high cholesterol levels and blood strain.

This is incredible: eat 6 roasted garlic cloves and see what happens to your body within 24 hours

Garlic – it’s one of the healthiest foods on the planet! Yes, and we all know that many people around the world use raw garlic as a traditional remedy to control high blood pressure, low blood pressure, high cholesterol, inherited high cholesterol, coronary heart disease, heart attack, reduced blood flow due to narrowed arteries, and atherosclerosis.

It’s believed that garlic prevents the creation of angiotensin II, a hormone, and helps relax blood vessels. Garlic is also extremely useful and effective in controlling the LDL cholesterol.

It’s believed that garlic prevents the creation of angiotensin II, a hormone, and helps relax blood vessels. Garlic is also extremely useful and effective in controlling the LDL cholesterol. Garlic is very powerful vegetable and if you eat it for less than 24 hours our body reacts to this powerful food, for weight loss or as natural remedy prepared to cure certain diseases


1st Hour

In the first hour, the garlic is digested in the stomach and becomes food for the body.

2 – 4 Hours

The garlic helps your body to fight free radicals and existing cancer cells in your body.

4 – 6 Hours

The metabolism of the body is starting to see the benefits of garlic and activates the process of removing excess fluids and burning stored body fat.

6 – 7 Hours

The anti-bacterial properties of garlic, after traveling into the bloodstream, are starting to perform their process against the bacteria in the body.

6 – 10 Hours

During this period, the nutrients have already played a major role on cellular level, and the garlic will protect your body against oxidation.

10 – 24 Hours

After digesting (in the first hour), the garlic in your body begins the process of deep cleaning, including the following processes:

  • It will help you regulate your cholesterol levels
  • Cleanse your arteries and protects the body from cardiovascular problems
  • Lowers and improves blood pressure levels
  • Increases the natural defenses of the body and strengthens the immune system
  • Garlic helps prevent the heavy metals from entering your body
  • It helps to improve bone strength
  • Due to its high nutritional content, the garlic helps you to eliminate fatigue
  • It improves athletic performance
  • It helps you to improve the longevity of cells

Avoid these 10 foods to avoid worse joint pain

The pain in the joints significantly aggravates even the easiest daily activities and leads to inflammation, swellings, and discomfort. Numerous people suffer from these pains, no matter their age or gender.

The pain can vary from mild to severe, from acute to chronic.

The main causes of joint pain are gout and arthritis, as well as injuries, leukemia, broken or dislocated bones, fibromyalgia, strained muscles, lupus, and even bursitis. The pain in the joints might also be aggravated by certain foods, and in contrast, soothed by others.

These are the foods you should avoid in the case of joint pain:

Sugar and artificial sugars

Excess sugar amounts lead to inflammation and more AGEs. Sugar triggers cytokines, the inflammation agent triggers. Moreover, sugar leads to pressure on the joints and weight gain.

You should also avoid sodas and sweet drinks.  The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a study in 2014, which showed that these foods might contribute to the occurrence of rheumatoid arthritis in women.

Therefore, use honey, molasses, or Stevia, and avoid sweets, sugar, sodas, candies, snacks, cereals with sugar, and pastries.

Red and processed meat

Red and processed meats have chemical purine and nitrite which aggravate the pain and inflammation, as well as toxins like glycation and products AGEs. According to a 2014 study conducted at the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the glucan in red meat supports the cancer growth and worsens inflammation.

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published another study which found a link between red meat and inflammation markers.


The regular consumption of eggs leads to more inflammation and swellings. The yolk aggravates the inflammation as it contains arachidonic acid that produces prostaglandins (causers of inflammation). Eggs also contain saturated fats, which have detrimental effects as well.


The excess intake of alcohol has a negative effect on the joint pain. Beer contains purines which are converted to uric acid which is detrimental to joint pain. This drink also contains gluten which is harmful to fragile joints.

Dairy products

Dairy also worsens the pain, as they are high in protein. According to the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, protein also irritates the surrounding joint tissues.

Additionally, the saturated fats in dairy (cheese, milk, butter) are also detrimental to the pain in the joints. You should instead consume almond, soy milk, tofu, or margarine.

Grains and refined flour

They also have a high glycemic index which stimulates more AGEs and supports inflammation.

It has been shown that the daily consumption of wheat items and grain cereals helps the development of chronic autoimmune diseases, and raises the risk of heart issues, diabetes, and even cancer. You should replace them with coconut/almond/whole grain/brown rice.

Monosodium glutamate foods

The MSG additive is added to foods to improve their flavor, but it is extremely bad in the case of rheumatoid arthritis.

Whey proteins 

The inflammation is also aggravated by casein and gluten. Casein produces the uric acid, which in excessive levels leads to joint inflammation.

This condition is also known as gout. People with gluten sensitivity are also prone to gout. The Journal Nutrition Biochemistry published a study in 2013, which showed that foods without gluten reduce inflammation, adiposity, and insulin resistance.

Corn oil

Corn oil is high in omega 6 acids, which are dangerous to our health.  A study published in the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism showed that these acids lead to inflammation.

Therefore, avoid soy, peanuts, salad dressings, grape seed and safflower oil. You should not remove omega 5 acids completely from your diet but always eat them, moderately.

Refined salt

The table salt is high in additives and chemicals that impair the fluid balance in the body. To prevent the loss of calcium which is needed for the bones, avoid this salt. Junk foods are also rich in salt, and instead, eat it in reduced amounts, or replace it with Himalayan pink salt or sea salt.

5 Things You Should Never Do After Eating! (No.4 Is Really Dangerous For Your Health)

People usually lie down or sit comfortably in a chair after having dinner, but this is a big mistake you should never make. According to experts, these habits are highly dangerous and can put your health at risk. Here are the 5 things you should never do after eating:

If you’re a smoker, you know how powerful is the desire for a cigarette after a meal. However, smoking right after a meal is very bad and if you must do it, you should wait for at least a couple of hours after the meal. Cigarette contain nicotine, a substance that binds to oxygen your body desperately needs for digestion, which makes your body absorb carcinogens. According to several studies, smoking a cigarette after a meal has the same effect as smoking 10 cigarettes at once, and increases your risk of bowel and lung cancer significantly as well.

Eating fruit
Consuming fruit should be done before a meal, not afterwards. Fruits require special enzymes to be digested, and the natural sugars in them need more time to be absorbed. Furthermore, eating fruit after a meal can cause digestive problems such as indigestion, heartburn and burping. On the other hand, eating fruit before meals will help your body benefit from all the nutrients, fiber and sugars.

Lying down for a nap or sleeping after a meal is the favorite thing of millions of people, but this habit is not healthy at all -it might cause discomfort and bloating besides disrupting your sleeping patterns. According to a study conducted by the University of Ioannina Medical School, people who wait for longer to go to bed after a meal have less chances of getting a stroke. This is why it’s important not to go to bed for at least 2 hours after your meals.

Showering after a meal is one of the worst things you can do. A hot shower will increase the blood flow to your limbs and reduce the blood flow to your stomach, thusnegatively affecting your digestion.

Drinking tea
Teas are healthy, but shouldn’t be consumed after a meal. Drinking tea after having a meal can interfere with the iron absorption in your body as tea contains tannic acid which binds to the iron and protein from our food. This can result in 87% decrease in iron absorption and even iron deficiency, which can lead to anemia, dizziness, weakness and fatigue.

We’re sure you didn’t think these habits were harmful, but science say otherwise. If you want to keep your body healthy and properly functioning, you need to avoid them from now on.


In today’s article, we’re going to present you a miraculous recipe for losing weight which will make this difficult process very simple for you! It is made very quickly. You can keep it in the fridge for one day or whenever you need to. Just mix one batch of it every morning before you have breakfast and that’s it!


  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 teaspoon of honey
  • 2 tablespoons of ground cinnamon


1. Boil the water in a pan and then add the cinnamon inside.

2. Leave it to simmer for 5 minutes and after that turn the heat off.

3. When the mixture is cooled down, add the honey in it and stir everything well.

4. Filter the liquid into a cup and divide into two half-cup quantities.

Take one half of this mixture one hour before breakfast.

Take the second half one hour before going to bed at night. Drink half of the mixture before bed and store the leftover mixture in the fridge. Drink the rest of it when you wake up in the morning. Consume the drink on an empty stomach! This drink will help you clean your body from toxins and harmful matters, but you’ll also lose weight without any other changes in your diet!

The World’s No. 1 Food Against Heart Attack, Hypertension, Stroke And Cholesterol

We have something to show you in case you’re searching for the most beneficial food in the world. We recommend you to try dates.They contain a lot of healthy properties that are able to soothe many health problems, such as strokes, heart attacks, cholesterol and hypertension.

In no time, they are going to build up the metabolism of the body, because they have great amounts of nutrients. Here are some of the main recommendations why they have to be included in your food menu and why they are so healthy.


Dates are rich in iron
Dates contain great amounts of iron, which is especially useful for those people who suffer from anemia, for children and for pregnant women. It is sufficient to consume 100 grams of dates per day, which mainly contain 0.9 mg of iron. It is about 11 % of the recommended daily intake of iron. The iron has also beneficial effects on the red blood cells and hemoglobin, mainly supporting the flow of oxygen through the blood.

Dates prevent diarrhea
Dates also have got great amounts of potassium, which is an essential mineral that prevents diarrhea by relieving the belly flora and the intestines, stimulating more effective bacteria in this way.

Dates soothe constipation
Dates have also got relieving properties that can soothe diarrhea and constipation. That is the reason why you should put dates in water to stay throughout the night, and then to drink it in the morning in order to increase good digestion. Its effects are going to be laxative and mild.

Dates control body weight
If you want to prevent excessive fat, you should eat dates on an empty stomach. Namely, it is going to control your body weight, since they have no cholesterol You have to be familiar with the fact that they are rich in sugar, so be careful when consuming them.

Dates regulate cholesterol.
Dates are also useful for the regulation of the unhealthy cholesterol or known as LDL, because they cleanse the blood vessels and prevent any blood clots.

Dates strengthen the heart
At night, soak the dates. In the morning, first strain them and then put out the seeds. You can either eat or blender the seeds.

Dates regulate blood pressure
People who mainly suffer from hypertension have to eat a lot of dates, because they are rich in potassium and do not have sodium. Namely, 5 to 6 dates nearly contain 80 mg of magnesium, an important mineral that is spread through the blood vessels and that improves the flow of the blood. Approximately, 370 mg of magnesium are useful for decreasing the blood pressure.

Dates prevent strokes
As previously mentioned in the article, dates have got great amounts of potassium, which is an important mineral that significantly improves the nervous system and also prevents any strokes. Therefore, if you take 400 mg of potassium a day, you have no reasons to worry about. We really hope you find this article helpful and don’t forget to share it with your friends and family. Thank You.

The content of this article, including medical opinion and any other health-related information, is for informational purposes only and should not be considered to be a specific diagnosis or treatment plan for any individual (person).

Use of this site and the information contained herein does not create a doctor-patient relationship. Always seek the direct advice of your own doctor in connection with any questions or issues you may have regarding your own health or the health of others.

3 Ingredients Smoothie Recipe to Stop Chronic Joint and Knee Pain!

Knee pain can be caused by a number of reasons. Your shoes or your sneakers can sometimes be the cause of the pain.

A friend of mine used to walk in her flip-flops all the time. However, after certain time she complained about pain in her tendon. She felt pressure and soreness. You need to know that walking around with flip-flops is like walking barefoot.

The situation with my friend is just one example. Nevertheless, there are a number of other reasons. People who are overweight also feel pain in their knees. That is a call from your body that you need to lose weight.

Knee pain can be solved in a number of ways and sometimes even surgery is necessary. However, here is s natural recipe for preventing unexplained and unexpected knee pain. The ingredients possess powerful anti-inflammatory properties which strengthen up the ligaments and tendons. These ingredients are filled with bromelain, vitamin C, silicon and magnesium.


  • 7 gr of cinnamon
  • 2 cups of pineapple chunks cut into slices
  • 250 ml or 1 cup of water (250ml)
  • 1 cup of oatmeal
  • 40 g of honey
  • 40 g of crushed almonds
  • One cup of fresh natural orange juice


  • Put the oatmeal in a pot with boiling water and cook for a couple of minutes
  • Squeeze the pineapple juice into the oatmeal
  • Blend the cinnamon, orange, honey and almonds until they become smooth
  • Put some ice cubes if you like

Another way of preparing this recipe by mixing all of the ingredients in a blender. However, cooked oatmeal is softer. Choose for yourself. Enjoy!